Halls for hire in BA14 (Trowbridge)

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Apetito, Trowbridge

Old Bear Inn, Trowbridge

The Albany Palace, Trowbridge

The Anchor & Hope, Trowbridge

The Black Horse, Trowbridge

The Dursley Arms, Trowbridge

The Farmhouse Inn, Trowbridge

The Greyhound, Trowbridge

The Kings Arms, Trowbridge

The Lamb, Trowbridge

The Lamb on The Strand, Trowbridge

The Lion & Fiddle, Trowbridge

The Long Arms, Trowbridge

The Longs Arms, Trowbridge

The Moonraker Hotel (ex Old Manor Hotel), Trowbridge

The Red Admiral, Trowbridge

The Rose & Crown, Trowbridge

The Somerset Arms, Trowbridge

The Twelve Bells, Trowbridge

The White Swan, Trowbridge

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