Halls for hire in PE2 (Peterborough)

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Lakeside Kitchen & Bar, Peterborough

The Botolph Arms, Peterborough

The Carpenters Arms, Peterborough

The Cherry Tree, Peterborough

The Coalheavers Arms, Peterborough

The Cross Keys, Peterborough

The Dragonfly, Peterborough

The Gordon Arms, Peterborough

The Granary, Peterborough

The Heron, Peterborough

The Palmerston Arms, Peterborough

The Peacock, Peterborough

The Ramblewood Inn (Hayloft), Peterborough

The Whittle (Way), Peterborough

The Windmill, Peterborough

The Woolpack, Peterborough

The Yard of Ale (ex New Inn), Peterborough

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