Halls for hire in WF10 (Castleford)

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Magnet Hotel, Castleford

Rising Sun, Castleford

The Birchwood Farm, Castleford

The Black Bull, Castleford

The Boat Inn, Castleford

The Bridge Inn, Castleford

The Castlefields, Castleford

The Eagle, Castleford

The George V Club, Castleford

The Glass Blower, Castleford

The Griffin Inn, Castleford

The Healdfield, Castleford

The Horse & Jockey, Castleford

The Junction, Castleford

The Lion, Castleford

The Magnet, Castleford

The New Airedale, Castleford

The New Wheatsheaf, Castleford

The Prince William, Castleford

The Royal Oak, Castleford

The Singing Chocker, Castleford

The Smawthorne, Castleford

The Station Pub, Castleford

The Wheldale Hotel, Castleford

The White Horse, Castleford

The White Lion, Castleford

The Winding Wheel, Castleford

The Winter Seam, Castleford

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